
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Welcome back to Suicide League, folks!
The 2023 NFL season is on the horizon, and we're ready to roll! Time to dive back into your fantasy football pools at We've polished a few things since the last round, especially to help our commissioners kick off their leagues hassle-free.
Here's the lowdown:
League Reactivation:
No need to start from scratch. Reactivate your league for 2023 and keep all your crew and rules intact. Easy peasy.
Screen Shot 2023-08-10 at 12
League History:
Wanna stroll down memory lane? Now you can with the "league history" widget on your league homepage. Quick nostalgia fix.
League History
Member Export:
Commissioners, round up the troops. Export your league member list for that mass email magic. Communication, sorted.
Export Members
Get ready to tackle the season head-on! Got questions? Reach us at Keep it spicy out there folk and good luck this season!
Picking in the postseason is now live!
Screen Shot 2023-01-13 at 13
All picks are reset and you can now pick with a fresh start for the postseason. You won't be able to reuse that team again until the Super Bowl (where team picks will reset again).
Good luck to all finishing up the final stretch of your NFL points and suicide pools!


Commish Tools

Survivor League

Points League

New Commish Power: Modify picks for any member entry!

Commissioners now have the ability to make and change picks for any entry in their league.
Every week we get several commissioners asking to make picks for members in their league who have missed the deadline for some reason or have trouble accessing the league. Now commissioners have the ability to make these changes for members right from the league summary page.
How to make a pick for any entry in your league
  • Find the entry you want to make/change a pick for in the current week.
  • Click the 3 dots to the right of the entry and choose Edit Picks
  • This will take you to the member management page where you can now view their entries and make their pick for
    any game that has not been completed yet.
Screen Shot 2022-10-14 at 12
Screen Shot 2022-10-14 at 12
Some side notes to be aware of:
  • Commissioners are only able to do this for games that have yet to be completed. If you need this to be done for games that have already been completed or previous weeks, please email us or send us a message via discord.
  • We are logging each commissioners pick modification in the database to keep commissioners accountable. We plan to make this "commissioner modification" history publicly available in the future so your league can see each pick modification to make sure there's no collusion.


Survivor League

Points League

Leaderboard & League Stats

Leaderboard is now up for both points and survivor leagues!
Points Leaderboard
  • List of entries sorted by most total points (top right)
  • View the weekly individual picks and points awarded for each entry.
Survivor Leaderboard
  • List of entries sorted by surviving entries first (wins) and then tie breaker is by aggregate margin of victory of picks.
  • View the weekly individual picks and the week the entry was eliminated (or revived)
leaderboard 2
League Stats for Survivor Leagues
Leagues stats are now available for survivor leagues shows the number of entries eliminated vs those surviving.
If you have any suggestions for other stats or information you want to see on the leaderboard or leagues stats, please let us know by emailing us at or joining our discord and letting us know here.
Now revive survivor league entries that have been eliminated!
A highly requested feature for leagues that want to have a "buy back" option for members that have been eliminated.
How to revive an entry:
For league commissioners only.
  1. Go to the current week (week 2) on the weekly pick summary.
  2. Find the entry you want to revive
  3. Click the "heartbeat" icon to the right of the entry
  4. Insert a note (to remind yourself of why you are reviving the entry) - the note will be stored for that specific week.
  5. Click "Revive" to finalize the revival and the entry will not be back in the game!
Revival Options on weekly pick summary page.
Revive Entry
Week 2 Notes:
If any commissioners have entries that need picks set for them from week 1 OR week 2 coming up, please send us an email to manually change it (


Survivor League

Bug with Tie Games Now Fixed

Just a quick update.
All Tie Games should now show as correct or incorrect based on the league setting for survivor leagues to treat them as a win or loss.
It was treating all ties as a loss, and many had chose the a team Colts vs. Texans game which resulted in a tie.
Please check your league now and this should be updated for those leagues that had a tie game treated as a win.
Two other major features we are working on in the coming days are:
  • Mulligans - Allowing commish to "reactivate" an entry that has been eliminated.
  • Commish Powers to make picks for users at any point in-case players miss the pick deadline on the website, commissioners can manually add in picks for those players.



Survivor League

Points League

Pick Summary & Week 1 Update

Week 1 came and we had our hands full today! Below are the updates to be aware of and what's to come:
  • Weekly Picks Summary now shows the picks once the pick deadline has passed OR if the earlier games have been completed
    (Thursday games, etc). We added logic to display properly for entries with winning picks and losing picks for both points and survivor leagues.
  • We found a few different ways users were able to unfairly change their picks after the game had already started or after the pick deadline had passed.
    We made a fix to block this action in the future, and since the data has been logged in our database, we will be going back and reverting these unfairly changed picks/entries in the coming days.
Other bugs that we are aware of and will be working on fixes for in the coming days:
  • Logic for tie games has not been implemented based on your league settings for survivor leagues yet. We will update this tomorrow.
  • Entries without a pick in week 1 are not currently showing as eliminated for survivor league. We will have this updated tomorrow.
  • Automatic assignment of biggest loser for entries without a pick in points leagues does not work yet - should be completed this week.
  • A couple phrasing issues on the rules page concerning automated picks and double pick weeks for points leagues.
Features with a lot of requests and on our todo list this week:
  • Give commissioners the ability to make picks for users (even after pick deadlines). We will also keep a log of this data so these edits will be transparent for the league to see commish edits.
  • Leaderboard page for points league.
To follow along, provided feedback, and be notified of future features and fixes, please join our discord here.
If you have any questions specific to your league, please email us at


Commish Tools

Survivor League

Points League

League Rules and Custom Rules

Rules Page
We just released a way to clearly communicate the league rules to your league. On the rules page, there is now a list of rules that are dynamically generated based on your league rule settings in the commish tools.
Custom Rules
If you have some custom rules you'd like to add (outside of the suicide league platform) that you want your league to know about like an entry fee or some other rule, you can now add those on this page as well!
It's game week! Excited to get to week 1 kickoff! We also made a few other improvements and fixed some bugs:
  • Fixed an issue with older iOS devices (before 15.4.0) where the screen would go blank on the picks page.
  • Added a tooltip to the member management page that shows the names of the entries for each member. (For now it just shows the entry name(s), but soon we will make this where commish can set a pick for a user)
  • Added a button on the league home page next to the week dropdown to "make picks" so it's easier to navigate the the pick page while on mobile.



Survivor League

Points League

UI Improvements and support for double pick weeks

We made an update today which included several small UI improvements to the picks and functionality for double pick weeks.
ui-double picks
  • Added the ability to go back to your entries after making picks and fixed a bug when you used the back button it would clear out your picks.
  • Added the functionality for double pick weeks. Allows the user to choose two teams in one week and then disables all other options for the week.
  • Added "View All Picks" button as an easy way to see a compact list of all your picks for the season.


Survivor League

Points League

Automatic Entries and Bug Fixes

A small issue we were seeing across the board was people trying to figure out where/how to create entries... We made this process streamlined by creating an entry automatically as soon as a member joins a league!
Other improvements we made:
  • Fixed an Issue when on mobile and the menu nav is open it would cause flickering has been fixed
  • Fixed an issue where it wouldn't allow you to save the commish note
  • Added the ability to remove a pick from a current week by simply clicking on the same “pick”. It’ll ask you if you are sure to do this.
  • A handful of UI changes to the pick page like changing borders, how the team logos are positioned, how the weekly pick carousel works, etc.
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